Plants: 131
Latin name | Common name | Type | Description | Cultivation | Hedging |
Iberis sempervirens | Candytuft | shrub, rock plant | 8in (20cm). Evergreen. Narrow, dark green leaves. Rounded heads of white flowers in May and June. Fs | Fully hardy. Sun, thriving on poor soils. | |
ILEX genus | Holly | shrub, tree | c. 5-70ft (1.5-20m). Evergreen. Dark, glossy leaves with wavey, usually spined edges. Red or yellow berries. Poisonous. | Half-hardy, 0°C, to fully hardy. Single-sexed, so both sexes required for berries. Sun or shade. | |
Impatienswalleriana "Novette" | Busy Lizzie | annual | 6in (15cm). Evergreen. Oval, pointed leaves. Spurred red flowers with white markings. | Half hardy, 0°C. Sun or partial shade, damp soil. | |
IRIS genus | bulb, rhizome | c.3-4ft (8-1.2cm). Long, narrow, chanelled basal leaves. Flowers have 6 petals of which 3 are large and pendent. Colours include white, yellow, pink red and blue, sometimes in combination. Spring or early summer. Poisonous. | Usually fully hardy. Sun or partial shade, some species like moist soil. | ||
Laurus nobilis | Bay Tree | tree | 40ft (12m). Evergreen. Oval, dark green, leathery leaves. Small yellow flowers in spring, round black fruits. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sunshine, sheltered from cold winds. | |
Lavandula "Hidcote" | Lavender | shrub | 2ft (60cm). Evergreen. Narrow, aromatic, greyish leaves.Spikes of deep purple flowers from June, July. | Fully hardy. Sun. Useful as a low hedge. | |
Lavatera "Rosea" | shrub | 10ft (3m). Semi-evergreen. Lobed leaves and large, deep pink flowers in summer. | Frost hardy, -5°C. | ||
Leycesteria formosa | Himalayan Honeysuckle | shrub | 6ft (2m). Deciduous. Oval, dark green leaves. Funnel-shaped, white flowers with red bracts from July to September. Purple-blackish fruits. | Frost hardy, -5°C.Sun or partial shade. | |
LIGUSTRUM genus | Privet | shrub, tree | c. 10-30ft (3-10m). Deciduous or evergreen. Oval, glossy leaves. Tubular flowers in loose clusters, white or cream, in summer. Black, rounded fruits. Poisonous. | Frost hardy, °C, to fully hardy. Sune or partial shade. | |
Lonicera pileata | shrub | 5ft (1.5m). Evergreen. Spreading shrub with narrow dark leaves. Pale yellow flowers in May, then purplish berries.Poisonous. | Fully hardy. Useful for ground cover. | ||
Lycium barbarum | Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree, chinese Box Thorn | shrub | 8ft (2.5)m. Deciduous. Spiny. Narrow, greyish leaves. Funnel-shaped pink or purple flowers, then orange-red berries. | Fully hardy. Sun. Thrives in poor, dry soil. Useful for hedging. | |
Malvaviscus arboreus | Sleepy Mallow | shrub | 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Downy, bright green leaves. Red flowers in summer and autumn. | Frost tender, 16°C. Sun and fertile soil. | |
Melaleuca viridiflora rubriflora | Paper-Bark Tree | tree | 20-40ft (3-6m). Evergreen. Peeling bark. Small white or pinkish `bottle brushes' in spring. | Frost tender. Sunshine and poor soil. Tolerates waterlogging. | |
Muehlenbeckia complexa | climber | 3ft (1m). Deciduous. Twining. Wiry stems, oval leaves. Minute greenish flowers in July, then round, white fruit. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun or shade. | ||
Myosotidum hortensia | Chatham Island Forget-Me-Not | perennial | 2ft (60cm). Big, glossy, ribbed leaves. Clusters of bright blue flowers in summer. | Frost tender, 0°C. Likes damp, sheltered position. | |
NEPETA genus | Catmint | perennial | c.14ins-3ft (35-90cm). Narrow, or oval, toothed leaves. Tubular flowers, in shades of blue, in summer. | Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. | |
Nerium oleander | Oleander | shrub | 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Dark, leathery leaves. . Clusters of open flowers in shades of white, pink, red, yellow, in spring and summer. Poisonous. | Frost tender, 10°C.Sun. Likes a south-facing wall. | |
Olearia macrodonta | shrub | 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Greyish, holly-like leaves with silvery undersides. Tiny, white, daisy-like flowers in June and July . | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun. Good hedging plant. | ||
Olearia x haastii | Daisy Bush | shrub | 10ft (3m). Evergreen. Oval, dark green leaves. Scented, white, daisy-type flowers in July and August. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun. Good hedging plant. | |
Osteospermum jucundum | perennial | 12in (30cm). Evergreen clumps of narrow, greyish, aromatict leaves. Mauve-pink flowers, from May to September. "Blackthorn Seedlng" has dark purple flowers. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun, well-drained soil. | ||
Ozothamnus ledifolius | shrub | 5ft (1.5m). Evergreen. Small, dark, aromatic leaves with yellow undersides. Small clusters of white flowers in June. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun. | ||
Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius | shrub | 10ft (3m). Evergreen. Leaves like Rosemary, but with downy undersides. Clusters of red buds produce scented white flowers in June. Variety "Silver Jubilee" has silver-grey foliage. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and well-drained soil. | ||
Parahebe catarractae | shrub, rock plant | 12in (30cm). Ebvergreen. Oval, serrated leaves. Spikes of small, white flowers, marked with purple and pink. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and sandy soil. | ||
Peperomia obtusifolia | Pepper Face | perennial | 10in (25cm). Evergreen. Reddish stems, dark, metallic green leaves, with red midribs on underside. | Frost tender, 10°C. Sun or partial shade. | |
Phillyrea angustifolia | shrub | 10ft (3m). Evergreen. Narrow, dark green leaves. Small, scented, greenish-white flowers in May and June, then round bluish-black fruit. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and fertile soil. |
Plants: 131