Plants: 131
Latin name | Common name | Type | Description | Cultivation | Hedging |
Phillyrea latifolia | shrub | 25ft (8m). Evergreen. Oval, dark leaves. Minute, scented, greenish flowers from May to June, followed by rounded, blue-black fruit. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Needs shelter in cold regions. Sun and fertile soil. | ||
Phlomis fruticosa | Jerusalem Sage | shrub | 5ft (1.5m). Evergreen. Greyish, woolly leaves. Whorls of rich yellow flowers in June and July. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and well-drained soil. | |
Phlox subulata "Marjorie" | Moss Phlox | perennial, rock plant | 4in (10cm). Evergreen. Forms clumps with small leaves. Covered in pink or purple, star-shaped flowers in June. | Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade, with fertile and moist soil. | |
Pilea cadierei | Aluminium Plant | perennial | 12ins (30cm). Ebvergreen, oval leaves with silver `quilting'. | Frost tender, 10°C. Likes shade. | |
Pittosporum tobira | Japanese Pittosporum, Mock Orange | shrub | 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Oval, dark, glossy leaves. White, orange-scented flowers in May to July, turning to pale yellow. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Needs south- or west-facing wall in cold regions. | |
POTENTILLA genus | perennial, shrub | c. 4ins-5ft (10cm-1.5m) Leaves are strawberry-like, sometimes greyish. Flowers are saucer-shaped, mainly in summer. Colours include yellow, orange, red or maroon. | Fully hardy. Sun and well-drained soil. Tolerates hot, sunny places, but flower colour may be paler. | ||
Pyrocantha coccinea | Fire Thorn | shrub | 12ft (4m). Evergreen. Oval, dark green leaves. Clusterse of small white flowers in June and July, then round, red fruits. Poisonous. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and shelter. | |
Pyrostegia venusta | Flame Flower, Flame Vine, Golden Shower | climber | 30ft (10m). Evergreen. Tendrils. Tubular, orange-yellow flowers from autumn to spring. | Frost tender, 15°C. Sun and fertile soil. | |
Rhamnus alaternus | Italian Buckthorn | shrub | 10ft (3m). Evergreen. Oval, greish, glossy leaves with white margins. Minute, yellowish flowers in May to July, then red,round fruit turning black. Poisonous. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun or partial shade. | |
Rosa pimpinellifolia | Burnet Rose, Scotch Rose | shrub | 3ft (1m). Deciduous. Pricky. Dark, fern-like leaves. Double, cream-coloured flowers in June. | Fully hardy. Sun and moist, fertile soil. | |
Rosmarinus officianalis | Rosemary | shrub | 5ft (1.5m). Evergreen. Narrow, aromatic leaves. Small blue flowers from April to June. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and well-drained soil. | |
Salix alba | White Willow | tree | 50ft (15m). Deciduous. Silver-grey leaves | Fully hardy. Sun, doesn't tolerate dry conditions. | |
Salix reticulata | Net-Veined Willow | shrub, rock plant | 4in (10cm). Deciduous. Rounded, strongly veined leaves, with white undersides. Erect, pinkish catkins in spring, much liked by bumblebees. | Fully hardy. Sun, tolerates poor soils that are not too dry. Good ground cover. | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red-berried Elder | shrub | 10ft (3m). Deciduous. Leaves divided into leaflets. Clusters of cream flowers, followed bny round, red fruits which are poisonous when raw.. | Fully hardy. Sun and moist, fertile soil. | |
Santolina chamaecyparissus | Cotton Lavender, Lavender Cotton | shrub | 2½ft (75cm). Evergreen. Narrow, greyish, serrated, leaves. Bright yellow flowers in July and August. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun, thrives in poor soil. | |
Schinus molle | Californian Pepper Tree, Peruvian Mastic Tree | tree | 25ft (8m). Evergreen. Fern-like leaves with many leaflets. Clusters of small yellow flowers, February to August, then little pink fruits. | Frost tender, min. 5°C. Sun. | |
Schisandra rubriflora | climber | 20ft (6m). Deciduous. Twining. Leathery, serrated leaves. Small, bright red flowers from April to May. Pendant red fruits. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun or partial shade, rich soil. Useful for growing against walls. Grow male and female plants for fruit. | ||
SCILLA genus | bulb | c. 2-18ins (5-45cm). Narrow basal leaves. Flowers are flat, star-shaped, in spring, summer or autumn. Colours include white, pink, purple or blue. | Half hardy, 0°C. to fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. | ||
Sempervivum arachnoideum | Cobweb Houseleek | perennial, rock plant | 5in (12cm). Evergreen. Forms carpet of globular rosetteses, tipped red and covered in white hairy web. Clusters of star-shaped rose-reddish flowers in summer. | Fully hardy. Sun and gritty soil. | |
Silene maritima "Robin Whitebreast" | Double Sea Campion | perennial, rock plant | 8in (20cm). Fully hardy. Narrow, grey-green leaves. Globular, double, white flowers in summer. | Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. | |
Silene schafta | Campion | perennial, rock plant | 6in (15cm). Narrow leaves. Magenta-pink flowers from May to November. | Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. | |
Solandra maxima | Copa de Oro, Golden-Chalice Vine | climber | 30ft (10m). Evergreen. Scrambler. Glossy leaves. Scented, yellow flowers from April to June. | Frost tender, 16°C. Sun and fertile soil. | |
Sorbus aria | Whitebeam | tree | 50ft (15m). Deciduous. Oval, serrated leaves with silver undersides. Small white floweres in May, then brown-speckled, red fruits. | Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade, damp soil. | |
SPIRAEA genus | shrub | c. 3-10ft (1-3m). Deciduous or semi-evergreen. Narrow or rounded leaves.Clusters of 5-petalled flowers in spring or summer. Colours include white or pink. | Fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil. | ||
Tamarix ramosissima "Pink Cascade" | Tamarisk | shrub | 20ft (6m). Deciduous. Very small, narrow, glaucous leaves. Feathery, pink flowers in August and September. | Fully hardy. Sun and well-drained soil.Tolerates very exposed conditions. |
Plants: 131