Plants: 107

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Latin name Common name Type Description Cultivation Hedging
Lycium barbarum Duke of Argyll's Tea Tree, chinese Box Thorn shrub 8ft (2.5)m. Deciduous. Spiny. Narrow, greyish leaves. Funnel-shaped pink or purple flowers, then orange-red berries. Fully hardy. Sun. Thrives in poor, dry soil. Useful for hedging. Yes
Melia azedarach Bead Tree, Persian Lilac tree 50ft (15m). Deciduous. Dark green divided leaves. Scented lilac-pink flowers in spring, yellow fruits in autumn. Frost hardy. Full sun. Thrives in dry soil. Plant away from buiidings. No
MYOSOTIS genus Forget-me-not annual, biennial, perennial 4-8ins (10-20cm). Narrow, or oval, hairy leaves. Flowers are usually blue but can be white or yellow, in spring or summer. No
NERINE genus bulb c. 6ins-2ft (15-60cm). Rounded heads of flowers with wavy petals which sometimes curve back. Flowers in autumn before the strap-like, basal leaves appear. Poisonous. Half hardy, 0°C, to fully hardy. Sun and sandy soil. No
Origanum laevigatum Dittany shrub, rock plant 12in (30cm). Deciduous. Forms carpet of small, aromatic leaves. Covered in tiny minute, bright pink flowers in summer. Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun, and alkaline soil. No
Oxalis enneaphylla Scurvy Grass perennial, rock plant 3in (7cm). Bulbous roots. Folded, greyish leaves divided into oval leaflets. Funnel-shaped flowers, white or pink, in June and July. Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun or partial shade. No
PAPAVER genus Poppy annual, biennial, perennial c. 4ins-3ft m-1m). Oval or narrow leaves, often hairy. Flowers are single or double, in summer. Colours include white, pink or red. Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. No
Parahebe perfoliata Diggers Speedwell sub-shrub 24ins (60cm). Evergreen. Blueish, leathery leaves encircle stems. Sprays of blue flowers in summer. Frost hardy, -5°C.Sun and sandy soil. Useful for rock gardens and edgings. No
PENSTEMON genus annual, biennial, perennial, sub-shrub, shrub c. 3ins-4ft (8cm-1.2m). Mostly semi-evegreen or evergreen. Narrow or oval leaves. Tubular or funnel-shaped flowers in summer. Colours include white, pink, red, purple or blue. Half hardy, 0°C, to fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil.. No
PHACELIA genus annual, biennial, perennial c. 8-24ins (20-60cm). Oval or feathery leaves. Blue, bell-shaped flowers in summer or early autumn. An irritant. Frost hardy. Sun and fertile soil. No
Phlomis fruticosa Jerusalem Sage shrub 5ft (1.5m). Evergreen. Greyish, woolly leaves. Whorls of rich yellow flowers in June and July. Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and well-drained soil. No
Pittosporum tobira Japanese Pittosporum, Mock Orange shrub 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Oval, dark, glossy leaves. White, orange-scented flowers in May to July, turning to pale yellow. Frost hardy, -5°C. Needs south- or west-facing wall in cold regions. No
Portulaca grandiflora Sun Plant annual 8in (20cm). Narrow, succulent leaves and red stems. Saucer-shaped flowers in various colours,with yellow stamens, from June to September. Half hardy, 0°C. Sun and well-drained soil. No
POTENTILLA genus perennial, shrub c. 4ins-5ft (10cm-1.5m) Leaves are strawberry-like, sometimes greyish. Flowers are saucer-shaped, mainly in summer. Colours include yellow, orange, red or maroon. Fully hardy. Sun and well-drained soil. Tolerates hot, sunny places, but flower colour may be paler. No
Pseudosasa japonica Arrow Bamboo, Metake grass 15ft (5m). Evergreen. Hollow stems (`culms'). Broad leaves. Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade, moist soil. Yes
Quercus ilex Holm Oak tree 80ft (25m). Evergreen. Young leaves are grey, turning dark glossy green. Frost hardy. Sun or semi-shade. No
Romneya coulteri "White Cloud" Tree Poppy perennial 6ft (2m). Deeply lobed, greyish leaves. Large, scented, white flowers with gold centres. Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and sheltered position. No
Rosa rugosa shrub 8ft (2.5m). Deciduous. Prickly. Glossy, wrinkled leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Large, open flowers, deep pink, in summer and autumn. Large orange-red hips.Varieties include: "Alba" (white) and "Rubra", deep purplish red. Fully hardy.Sun and moist, fertile soil. Yes
Sambucus racemosa Red-berried Elder shrub 10ft (3m). Deciduous. Leaves divided into leaflets. Clusters of cream flowers, followed bny round, red fruits which are poisonous when raw.. Fully hardy. Sun and moist, fertile soil. No
Saxifraga paniculata perennial, rock plant 12in (30cm). Evergreen. Rosettes of lime-encrusted, oval leaves. Star-shaped, white flowers in summer. Fully hardy. Sun and gritty, alkaline soil. No
SCILLA genus bulb c. 2-18ins (5-45cm). Narrow basal leaves. Flowers are flat, star-shaped, in spring, summer or autumn. Colours include white, pink, purple or blue. Half hardy, 0°C. to fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. No
Sorbus aria Whitebeam tree 50ft (15m). Deciduous. Oval, serrated leaves with silver undersides. Small white floweres in May, then brown-speckled, red fruits. Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade, damp soil. No
Spartium junceum Spanish Broom shrub 10ft (3m). Deciduous. Narrow, short-lived leaves. Scented, pea-type yellow flowers from June to September. Frost hardy, Fully hardy. Sun, thrives on poor, well-drained soil. No
Sprekelia formosissima Aztec Lily, Jacobean Lily bulb 14in (35cm). Clumps of basal leaves. A large, deep red flower consisting of three upper petals and three narrow petals below, in spring. Half hardy, 0°C. Sun and well-drained soil. Sun and well-drained soil. No
Thlaspi cepaeifolium subsp. Rotundifolium perennial, rock plant 3in (8cm). Dense clumps of rounded leaves. Small, cup-shaped pink or purplish flowers in spring. Fully hardy. Sunny but cool position No

Plants: 107

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