Plants: 90

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Latin name Common name Type Description Cultivation Hedging
SALVIA genus Sage annual, biennial, perennial, sub-shrub, shrub c.12ins- 6ft (30cm-2m). Oval or narrow leaves, sometimes hairy beneath. Flowers are tubular, 2-lipped, in summer and autumn. Frost tender, 5°C, to fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil. No
Saxifraga paniculata perennial, rock plant 12in (30cm). Evergreen. Rosettes of lime-encrusted, oval leaves. Star-shaped, white flowers in summer. Fully hardy. Sun and gritty, alkaline soil. No
Sedum spathulifolium "Cape Blanco" Stonecrop perennial, rock plant 2in (5cm). Evergreen. Succulent rosettes of greyish-white leaves, sometimes tinged with purple. Minute yellow flowers in May and June. Poisonous. Fully hardy. Sun and fertile, well drained soil. No
Sempervivum arachnoideum Cobweb Houseleek perennial, rock plant 5in (12cm). Evergreen. Forms carpet of globular rosetteses, tipped red and covered in white hairy web. Clusters of star-shaped rose-reddish flowers in summer. Fully hardy. Sun and gritty soil. No
Senecio cineraria perennial 1ft (30cm). Leaves are deeply divided, silver-grey and downy. Insignificant yellow flowers in summer. Half hardy, 0°C. Sun and well-drained soil. No
Silene maritima "Robin Whitebreast" Double Sea Campion perennial, rock plant 8in (20cm). Fully hardy. Narrow, grey-green leaves. Globular, double, white flowers in summer. Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. No
Silene schafta Campion perennial, rock plant 6in (15cm). Narrow leaves. Magenta-pink flowers from May to November. Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. No
Stachys lanata perennial See Stachys bizantina. No
Thlaspi cepaeifolium subsp. Rotundifolium perennial, rock plant 3in (8cm). Dense clumps of rounded leaves. Small, cup-shaped pink or purplish flowers in spring. Fully hardy. Sunny but cool position No
Thlaspi rotundifolium perennial, rock plant See Thlaspi cepaeifolium. No
Tradescantia albiflora perennial See Tradescantia fluminensis. No
Tradescantia fluminensis Spiderwort perennial 2in (5cm). Trailing evergreen. Thick, oval leaves without stems, purplish undersides. Variegated varieties have white stripes lengthwise. Minute pink flowers. Frost tender, 15°C. Sun or partial shade. No
VERONICA genus perennial, sub-shrub c 6ins-4ft (15cm-1.2m). Some are evergreen or semi-evergreen. Leaves are narrow or oval, sometimes hairy. Flowers are saucer- or star-shaped, in summer. Colours include pink, blue or purple. Frost hardy, 0°C, to fully hardy. Sun and well-drained soil, but some prefer partial shade and moist soil. No
Viola cornuta Horned Violet perennial, rock plant 8in (20cm). Oval, serrated leaves. Flat, angular, spurred flowers in deep purplish blue, or white, from spring to summer. Fully hardy. Sun and moist but well-drained soil. No
X VENIDIO-ARCTOTIS hybrid genus annual, perennial See "Arctotis" genus. No

Plants: 90

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