Plants: 36

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Latin name Common name Type Description Cultivation Hedging
LOBELIA genus annual, perennial, shrub c. 4in - 6ft (10cm-2m). Some are evergreen. Narrow, sometimes reddish, leaves. Flowers are two-lipped, in summer. Colours include red, blue or purple. Some are irritants. Frost tender, 5°C, or fully hardy. Sun, in summer needs moist soil. No
MATTHIOLA genus Stock annual, biennial, perennial, sub-shrub c.12ins-2ft (30-60cm). Narrow, greyish-green leaves. Spikes of 4-petalled, fragrant flowers, in summer. Colours include white, yellow, pink, red or purple. Frost tender, 4°C, to fully hardy. Sun and preferably in limed soil. No
Mesembryanthemum criniflorum Livingstone Daisy annual See Dorotheanthus bellidiformis. No
MYOSOTIS genus Forget-me-not annual, biennial, perennial 4-8ins (10-20cm). Narrow, or oval, hairy leaves. Flowers are usually blue but can be white or yellow, in spring or summer. No
PAPAVER genus Poppy annual, biennial, perennial c. 4ins-3ft m-1m). Oval or narrow leaves, often hairy. Flowers are single or double, in summer. Colours include white, pink or red. Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. No
PENSTEMON genus annual, biennial, perennial, sub-shrub, shrub c. 3ins-4ft (8cm-1.2m). Mostly semi-evegreen or evergreen. Narrow or oval leaves. Tubular or funnel-shaped flowers in summer. Colours include white, pink, red, purple or blue. Half hardy, 0°C, to fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil.. No
PHACELIA genus annual, biennial, perennial c. 8-24ins (20-60cm). Oval or feathery leaves. Blue, bell-shaped flowers in summer or early autumn. An irritant. Frost hardy. Sun and fertile soil. No
Portulaca grandiflora Sun Plant annual 8in (20cm). Narrow, succulent leaves and red stems. Saucer-shaped flowers in various colours,with yellow stamens, from June to September. Half hardy, 0°C. Sun and well-drained soil. No
Rhodanthe chlorocephala subsp. Rosea Straw Flower annual 12in (30cm). Narrow, greyish leaves. Small, double, pink daisy-type flowers in summer. Half hardy, 0°C. Thrives in full sun and poor soil. Useful in dried flower arrangements. No
SALVIA genus Sage annual, biennial, perennial, sub-shrub, shrub c.12ins- 6ft (30cm-2m). Oval or narrow leaves, sometimes hairy beneath. Flowers are tubular, 2-lipped, in summer and autumn. Frost tender, 5°C, to fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil. No
X VENIDIO-ARCTOTIS hybrid genus annual, perennial See "Arctotis" genus. No

Plants: 36

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