Plants: 107
Latin name | Common name | Type | Description | Cultivation | Hedging |
Crambe cordifolia | perennial | 6ft (2m). Cushions of crumpled, dark green leaves. Abundant small white flowers, scented, in summer. | Fully hardy.Likes sun and sandy soil. | ||
Crambe maritima | Sea Kale | perennial | 2ft (60cm). Silver-green leaves, clusters of small, white, scented flowers in summer. Leaf shoots are grown for food use. | Fully hardy.Likes sun and sandy soil. | |
Crataegus x lavallei "Carrierei" | tree | 22ft (7m). Oval, glossy, serrated leaves, red in autumn. Clusters of white flowers in June, followed by orange-red fruit in autumn. | Fully hardy. Sunshine. Tolerates damp positions. | ||
Crataegus laevigata "Paul's Scarlet" | Hawthorn, May | tree | 30ft (10m). Deciduous. Glossy, serrated leaves with double, crimson flowers in May. | Fully hardy. Sunshine. Tolerates damp positions. | |
Crocosmia "Lucifer" | corm | 3ft (1m). Bright green, sword-like leaves. Brilliant red flowers on spikes in July, Other varieties include "Emily McKenzie" (orange) and "Lady Hamilton" (yellow). | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun. Needs shelter in cold areas, or lift corms in October. | ||
CROCUS genus | corm | c. 4ins (10cm). Narrow basal leaves with white middle line. Flowers are funnel- or tube-shaped, in spring or in autumn. Colours include white, yellow, purple, pink, often with darker markings. | Frost hardy, -5°, to fully hardy. Sun. Useful for rock gardens. | ||
Cupressocyparis x Leylandii | Leyland Cypress | tree | 120ft (35m). Evergreen. Flattened, scale-like leaves. Rounded, dark, glossy cones. | Fully hardy. Sun or partial shade. | |
Cupressus macrocarpa | Monterey Cypress | tree | 70ft (20m). Evergreen. Scale-like, dark green leaves. Rounded, glossy cones. | Fully hardy. Sun. | |
CYCLAMEN genus | tuberous perennial | c. 4-12ins (10-30cm). Some are evergreen.Tuberous. Heart-shaped, serrated leaves. Flowers have reflexed petals, and colours include white, pink, red or lilac, in spring, summer or autumn. Poisonous. | Frost tender, -5°C, to fully hardy. | ||
Cynoglossum amabile | Hound's Tongue | annual | 18in (45cm). Narrow, downy, greyish leaves. Tubular, bright blue flowers in summer. | Fully hardy. Sun. | |
Draba aizoides | Yellow Whitlow Grass | perennial, rock plant | 1in (2.5cm). Semi-evergreen. Clumps of narrow, hairy leaves. Bright yellow, cross-shaped flowers in spring. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun and gravelly soil. | |
Draba mollissima | perennial | 3in (8cm). Evergreen. Rounded cushions of greyish green, bristly leaves. Masses of tiny hellow flowers. | Fully hardy. Sun and very well-drained soil, e.g. gravel or shingle. | ||
Echinacea purpurea | Coneflower | perennial | 4ft (2m). Narrow leaves. Large, daisy-type flowers with purplish red petals and yellow centre cones, from July to September. | Fully hardy. Likes sun and fertile soil. | |
Elaeagnus pungens "Maculata" | shrub | 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Dark green leaves, centres splashed with yellow. Sweet-scented, cream flowers in October and November. Orange or red fruit. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun or partial shade. Good for hedging. | ||
Elaeagnus x ebbingei | shrub | 15ft (5m). Evergreen. Oval, glossy leaves, silver underneath. Sweet-scented, cream flowers from July to November. Oval, orange or red fruits. | Fully hardy. Sun, fertile soil. Ideal for hedging. | ||
Epilobium glabellum | Willow Herb | perennial, rock plant | 8in (20cm). Semi-evergreen. Clumps of oval leaves.Cup-shaped white flowers in summer. Variety "Sulphureum" has pale flowers. | Fully hardy. Useful for ground cover. | |
Erica arborea "Alpina" | Tree Heath | shrub | 20ft (6m). Evergreen. Bright green needles. Scented white flowers from February to May. | Frost hardy. Sun, tolerates sandy soil. | |
Eryngium alpinum | Sea Holly | perennial | 3ft (1m). Basal leaves are heart-shaped and glossy, with jagged edges. Purplish-blue floewr heads with blue bracts. | Fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil. Good for cutting and drying. | |
Eryngium giganteum | Sea Hollly | perennial | 4ft (1.2m). Basal leaves are heart-shaped. Large, thistle-like flower heads are blue with silvery bracts, in August. | Fully hardy. Sun and fertile soil. | |
Eucalyptus coccifera | Tasmanian Snow Gum | tree | 100ft (30m). Evergreen. Blueish grey, peelling bark. Grey-green leaves, aromatic. White clusters of stamens in May and June.. | Frost hardy. Full sun. Protection from cold winds. | |
Eucalyptus coccifera | Tasmanian Snow Gum, Mount Wellington Peppermint | tree | 100ft (30m). Evergreen. Peeling grey and white bark. Narrow, blue-green leaves, becoming green. White flowers in May and June. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun, protect from cold winds. Prune to encourage juvenile leaves. | |
Eucalyptus globulus | Tasmanian Blue Gum | tree | 100ft (30m). Evergreen. Peeling bark, Oval, silver-blue leaves, becoming green. Clusters of white stamens from summer to autumn. | Half hardy, 0°C. Sun and shelter from cold winds. Prune to promote juvenile foliage. | |
Eucalyptus gunnii | Cider Gum | tree | 100ft (30m). Evergreen. Young leaves are rounded, silver-blue, turning narrow, blue-green. White flowers in July. | Frost hardy. Full sun. Likes neutral to acid soil. | |
Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. Niphophila | Snow Gum | tree | 50ft (15m). Evergreen. Flaking bark, blue and white. Young leaves are glaucous, becoming greyish with red edges. White flowerse in summer. | Frost hardy, -5°C. Sun, protect from cold winds. Prune to encourage juvenile foliage. | |
Euonymus fortuneii radicans | climber | 15ft (5m). Evergreen. Oval, dark green leaves. Tiny greenish flowers from June to July. | Fully hardy. Sun, well-drained soil. Useful for ground cover. |
Plants: 107